Cordova Colorway Quartets
手机杀毒软件哪个最好用?手机杀毒软件排行_文学社区:2021-6-8 · 手机已经成为我伞生活必不可少的一部分,走在路上看见到处都是低头族,那么你玩了这么久的手机,知道手机上的杀毒软件哪个好用吗?下面小编来告诉你手机上的杀毒软件排行,选择一个适合自己手机的吧!百度手机卫士是百度推出的一款手机管理软件,这款产品是由百度12年收购的安卓伢化 ...

Nearly Fall | Cordova Colorway
Three Irish Girls Yarn

Traveling Companions

Last week I was on an annual post-Thanksgiving trek with my husband, making an attempt to reconnect with him after several months mostly apart. For me, it is always a bit of transition from the intensity of a full-on shop focused life to one in balance with personal life and rest. Even though my husband Bob, for the most part, has retired from fishing and...
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many stitches . . . so much love part 2

many stitches so much love Part 2 There are certain moments in our lives when in the midst of them, we know that we are witnesses to something beyond the ordinary. Like beads in a garland, we collect and string them together to create the memories that we choose to cherish and carry close to our hearts. It is not that we...
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many stitches...so much love

After a marathon of business bookkeeping for WAY too long for one who best operates on the right side of the brain, I finally have some time open for creative pursuits. What felt like a hovering dark black cloud that would never leave, I pushed hard for completion of the necessary work. The carrot leading me on was the thought that I would be able to get back...
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